Thursday, August 28, 2014

Are You Prepared For Zombie Season? CDC Zombie Preparedness List

With hurricane, uh, I mean, zombie upon us, Checkered Flag fans should listen up.  This is an important message from the Center for Disease Control.  Do you know what to do in the case of a sudden zombie attack? 

If you haven't checked it out yet, you should take a minute to review the Center for Disease Control's Preparedness Guideline for zombie attacks.  There has been so much activity on this site, that it has shut down several times in the year it has been posted.  But, not to worry, Checkered Flag fans, I have secured the important instructions for us all. (Of course, these important measures are great for hurricanes too.) 

Source:  [Center for Disease Control and Prevention]  Seriously.   (edited for length) 

So what do you need to do before zombies - or hurricanes or pandemics for example - actually happen? First of all, you should have an emergency kit in your house. This includes things like water, food, and other supplies to get you through the first couple of days before you can locate a zombie-free refugee camp (or in the event of a natural disaster, it will buy you some time until you are able to make your way to an evacuation shelter or utility lines are restored). Below are a few items you should include in your kit, for a full list visit the CDC Emergency page.      

* Water (1 gallon per person per day)     
* Food (stock up on non-perishable items that you eat regularly)     
* Medications (this includes prescription and non-prescription meds)     
* Tools and Supplies (utility knife, duct tape, battery powered radio, etc.)     
* Sanitation and Hygiene (household bleach, soap, towels, etc.)     
* Clothing and Bedding (a change of clothes for each family member and blankets)     
* Important documents (copies of your driver's license, passport, and birth certificate to name a few)     
* First Aid supplies (although you're a goner if a zombie bites you, you can use these supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a tornado or hurricane)   

Once you've made your emergency kit, you should sit down with your family and come up with an emergency plan. This includes where you would go and who you would call if zombies started appearing outside your door step. You can also implement this plan if there is a flood, earthquake, or other emergency.         

1. Identify the types of emergencies that are possible in your area. Besides a zombie apocalypse, this may include floods, tornadoes, or earthquakes. If you are unsure contact your local Red Cross chapter for more information.    

2. Pick a meeting place for your family to regroup in case zombies invade your home?or your town evacuates because of a hurricane. Pick one place right outside your home for sudden emergencies and one place outside of your neighborhood in case you are unable to return home right away.    

3. Identify your emergency contacts. Make a list of local contacts like the police, fire department, and your local zombie response team. Also identify an out-of-state contact that you can call during an emergency to let the rest of your family know you are ok.    

4. Plan your evacuation route. When zombies are hungry they won't stop until they get food (i.e., brains), which means you need to get out of town fast! Plan where you would go and multiple routes you would take ahead of time so that the flesh eaters don't have a chance! This is also helpful when natural disasters strike and you have to take shelter fast.   

Never Fear - CDC is Ready      

Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Prepared If zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak. CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation. This assistance might include consultation, lab testing and analysis, patient management and care, tracking of contacts, and infection control (including isolation and quarantine). It's likely that an investigation of this scenario would seek to accomplish several goals: determine the cause of the illness, the source of the infection/virus/toxin, learn how it is transmitted and how readily it is spread, how to break the cycle of transmission and thus prevent further cases, and how patients can best be treated. Not only would scientists be working to identify the cause and cure of the zombie outbreak, but CDC and other federal agencies would send medical teams and first responders to help those in affected areas (I will be volunteering the young nameless disease detectives for the field work).   

To learn more about what CDC does to prepare for and respond to emergencies of all kinds, visit:   To learn more about how you can prepare for and stay safe during an emergency visit:

For the latest in zombie news and Hampton Roads weather, stay tuned to Checkered

Friday, August 22, 2014

Porsche Takes the Cayman GTS Go-Karting

For most of us, the first driving experience was behind the wheel of a go-kart.  The wind whipping through your hair, the thrill of the go-kart taking the wild turns.  It felt like we were going 100 miles per hour.

Now, Porsche is showing us that we can have that same fun as adults.  Check out the go-kart handling of the Porsche Cayman GTS.

For more in Porsche news and events, stay tuned to Checkered, the home of your Virginia Beach Porsche service center.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Family Picnic Event - August 14th

Looking for some family fun this weekend? Stop by the Virginia Beach Farmers Market this Saturday for their Family Picnic Event!

There will be live music, crafts, food, face painting, and other fun activities.


Saturday, August 16th
10:00AM - 4:00PM


Virginia Beach Farmers Market
3640 Dam Neck Road, Suite 510
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Click here for more details.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hurricane Bertha Heads North

The weather in Hampton Roads and beyond has been unseasonably cool and comfortable during the last few weeks due to the Polar Vortex.  Now it seems that hurricane season might be coming and coming fast.  With the second hurricane, Hurricane Bertha, heading towards our coast many are watching closely. 

Checkered Flag fans always take hurricanes and weather systems seriously.  Hurricane Bertha does not seem to be a big danger just yet, but Checkered Flag will keep you posted on the progress of this system and make sure you are ready for anything that is to come.

Stay logged in to for the latest updates, news and information about Hampton Roads weather.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Life Saving Seatbelts Not Being Worn-Craziness!

As a teen I was known for driving around my "bumper car."  This was not due to its stylistic lines or inflatables; it was because I liked to bump it into things to see their actual location.  I thankfully know better now as I have a much nicer car, thanks to Checkered Flag, but those days are still in my past and scare me for driving around teens in my present.

I, like the writer of a recent article I found, had one thing going for me; I always wore a seat belt.  It truly scares me that the trend of late is to not wear that crucial life-saving device.  I would have hated to see what I would look like right now, or to know if I would even still be around, if I had not worn mine.

Teens don't do this one simple thing that could save their lives
By Brandon Turkus

Hindsight being what it is, I now realize that I was a certifiable moron as a teenager. I thought I was far smarter and slicker than I actually was, and I took part in a spectacular array of things that, when viewed through the wiser eyes of someone pushing 30, were the height of stupidity. I'm sure most average Joes and Janes have a similar view of their adolescence. Throughout my teen years, though, I did do one thing correctly ? I always wore my seatbelt.

Weirdly, that's a topic that today's teenagers have issue with. And no, this isn't just some rant about youth; there's empirical evidence to back up this troubling trend. A new report by the Governors' Highway Safety Association has revealed that of the teen drivers killed on the roads in 2012, over half (51.2 percent, to be precise) weren't wearing their seatbelts. We aren't sure what's worse, that that figure has jumped 6 percent in the past three years, or that teen passengers are 20 percent less likely to wear seatbelts than teen drivers.

"Crashes are already the leading cause of death for teens, and it is particularly disturbing to see the percentage of unbelted teen drivers and passengers in fatalities continue to rise," said the GHSA's executive director, Jonathan Adkins.

Considering this information, the GHSA's report doesn't just inform, it aims to help local municipalities counteract this trend. The report details some of the most successful programs in the country when it comes to encouraging teen seatbelt use and outlines common elements that make them successful so that new programs can be setup around the country.

"Developing innovative, engaging approaches to teen safe driving reduces injuries and ultimately helps save lives," said Steve Sorenson, executive vice president at Allstate, which co-authored the GHSA report. "We hope that highlighting effective programs already underway in states and cities across the country will help expand their reach and encourage everyone in the car to buckle up on every trip."

Source: [Autoblog]

This article scares me to death as I have children that are getting closer and closer to driving age.  I hope that many Checkered Flag fans out there are teaching their children the importance of buckling up.  It really will save your life.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

AAA Claims Cost of Vehicle Ownership is Down

Let Checkered Flag help you keep car ownership cost even lower.

Owning and Operating Your Vehicle Just Got a Little Cheaper AAA's 2014 "Your Driving Costs" Study

Average cost for sedans decreases 2.7 percent to 59.2 cents per mile

VIRGINA BEACH, Va. (May 9, 2014): AAA released the results of its annual "Your Driving Costs" study, revealing a 2.7 percent decrease in the cost to own and operate a sedan in the U.S. The average cost fell 1.64 cents to 59.2 cents per mile, or $8,876 per year, based upon 15,000 miles of annual driving.

"Despite increases in maintenance and registration fees, American motorists are experiencing an overall decrease in the cost to own and operate a vehicle," said Georjeane Blumling, Vice President of Public Affairs for AAA Tidewater Virginia. "A large decrease in fuel costs and lower tire, insurance and depreciation expenses are saving owners more than one and a half cents on every mile they drive."

In-depth findings of this year's study, including a breakdown of specific costs by category of vehicle and various annual mileages, are contained in the "Your Driving Costs" brochure which is available at select local AAA branch offices .

Blumling continued, "The true cost of vehicle ownership involves more than the sticker price and what you pay at the pump. Before you make any vehicle purchase, it is important to determine ownership and operational costs and compare them to your current and future financial situation." To assist consumers in determining their individual driving costs, the AAA "Your Driving Costs"brochure contains a worksheet that can be filled out and personalized for a specific area, driver and vehicle.

Fuel Costs Down more than 10 Percent

Fuel costs had the single largest percentage decrease from 2013 to 2014, declining 10.04 percent to 13 cents per mile. The average cost of regular grade fuel fell 5.96 percent, from $3.486 to $3.278 per gallon. At the same time, vehicle redesigns and improved power train technologies that take into account higher federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards has the effect of improving the average fuel economy of sedans used in the study.  Fuel costs in the 2014 study were calculated using the national average price for regular unleaded gasoline during the fourth quarter of 2013.

Maintenance Costs Up 1.81 Percent

This year maintenance costs increased nearly two percent to 5.06 per mile on average for sedan owners. AAA?s estimates are based upon the cost to maintain a vehicle and perform needed repairs for five years and 75,000 miles, including labor expenses, replacement part prices and the purchase of an extended warranty policy.  For 2014, some vehicles had lower costs due to longer service intervals or reduced labor times, while others experienced an increase in labor times and/or part prices that led to a rise in maintenance costs. AAA experts also identified an increasing number of vehicles requiring low-viscosity semi- or full-synthetic motor oils, which cost more than conventional oils but provide better fuel economy, added engine protection and allow for longer oil change intervals.

Tire Costs Decrease Three Percent

After several years of increases due rising costs for raw materials, energy and transportation, tire prices for 2014 have decreased three percent to 0.97 cents per mile. The decrease can be credited to two main factors; some redesigned sedans now come equipped with less expensive tires and some tire prices have declined.

Insurance Costs Decrease 0.58 Percent

In 2014, average insurance costs remain essentially unchanged at an average annual cost of $1,023, compared to $1,029 last year. Insurance rates vary widely by driver and driving record, issuing company and geographical region. AAA insurance cost estimates are based on a low-risk driver with a clean driving record and for 2014 this group saw a negligible premium decrease. Premium quotes, covering seven states across the country and insurance companies from five AAA clubs, showed minor declines for most small and medium sedans, with large cars having small increases.

Depreciation Costs Fall 1.71 Percent

After a small rise in depreciation last year, the tide has turned and depreciation decreased for 2014 to $3,510 per year from $3,571. While the numbers are improved in all three sedan categories, they are particularly strong in the medium-size area where several very desirable redesigned models have been introduced.

64rd Year of "Your Driving Costs" Study

AAA has published "Your Driving Costs" since 1950. That year, driving a car 10,000 miles per year cost 9 cents per mile, and gasoline sold for 27 cents per gallon.

The "Your Driving Costs" study employs a proprietary AAA methodology to analyze the cost to own and operate a vehicle in the United States. Variable operating costs considered in the study include fuel, maintenance and repair, and tires. Fixed ownership costs factored into the results include insurance, license and registration fees, taxes and depreciation and finance charges. Ownership costs are calculated based on the purchase of a new vehicle that is driven over five years and 75,000 miles. Your actual operating costs may vary. See AAA's 2013 "Your Driving Costs" brochure for a list of vehicles and additional information on the underlying criteria used in the study.

End of article excerpt. 

It is always wise to consider the overall cost of any vehicle you plan to purchase.  Checkered Flag can help you with that.  While it is important to do your own research, our top-trained associates can help you find the perfect vehicle for your specific needs and budget. 

One great way to save on your average yearly cost is to invest in a hybrid vehicle.  As the article points out, a move to more efficient vehicles is having an overall lowering effect on the total cost of owning a vehicle.  For a full list of best fuel economy cars and hybrid vehicles, call our Checkered Flag experts at (757)687-3447.  

And, don't forget to take advantage of your Checkered Flag service agreements.  Many of our vehicle brands include complimentary maintenance plans.  A properly maintained vehicle will cost less over the life of the vehicle.  So, make sure you bring your vehicle in for all recommended service visits.  Call your Checkered Flag service department at (757)490-1111 with any questions or to set up an appointment.

Article source: []

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

$12,000 Off New Jaguar XJ Models

This July, you can find the best deal on the 2014 Jaguar XJ and XJL at our Virginia Beach Jaguar store.

$12,000 off MSRP New 2014 Jaguar XJ Models

See dealer for full details.   Includes all factory incentives.  Subject to credit approval.  Tax, title, license, $599 dealer processing fee extra.

For more information about the 2014 Jaguar XJ, or to set up your own test drive here at our Virginia Beach Jaguar location, call Checkered Flag Jaguar at (757)687-3447.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer Safety: How to Change a Flat Tire

That little tire pressure indicator light comes on and you just keep driving.  Next thing you know, you're stuck on the side of the road with a flat.  Do you know what to do?

Every driver on the road should know how to change a flat tire.

Yes, even of those of you with roadside service need to learn for yourselves.   If you have never had a flat, then count yourself lucky, because most of us, at one point or another will have to deal with this frustrating experience, and, if you are like me, it will almost certainly be on the way to a wedding, interview, or some other important engagement.

Nearly all vehicles sold at any Checkered Flag location have a fifth, or spare tire.  Spares are usually located at either the back of the vehicle, underneath, or under the trunk floor.  Each vehicle also comes equipped with a jack similar to the one in the following video.  In my car, like many new vehicles, the jack is located in a different area than the spare.  Knowing where all of your required tools are before heading out on the road is imperative.

Remember, as the gentleman points out in the video, your fifth or spare tire can lose air just as your other four tires will.  It is important to check your spare periodically.  Some newer vehicles including have sensors that will alert you if your spare tire pressure is low.  Check your owner's manual to find out if your vehicle has such a sensor.  If your tire pressure sensor goes off, and you are unable to attain the reason, or you have any other concerns with any of your tires, contact your Hampton Roads Auto Service Center as soon as possible.  To contact Checkered Flag Service directly, find any of our service centers at the following link or call (757)490-1111.  Virginia Beach Automotive Service

And don't forget, new tires are available through every Checkered Flag Virginia Beach Auto Parts Department.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Will Cars Fly in Our Lifetime?

Is the flying car really going to happen in our lifetime? 

When I was a child, I was certain we'd be flying to the grocery store by now.  But, as fast as technology is changing, somehow, we are still glued to the ground.  Well, maybe not for long.

Terrafugia wants to build hybrid flying car
Computer controlled, plug-in hybrid concept would require as little as 5 hours training to fly.

By Paul Eisenstein of The Detroit Bureau

Flying cars have long been the stuff of science fiction, though plenty of entrepreneurs and visionaries have struggled to make the concept a reality, including no less than the original Henry Ford.

Several projects are now underway and one, started by a group of MIT alumni, is rapidly working its way towards reality. But the former college cronies apparently are dreaming about taking their original Transition flying car a giant leap further into the wild blue yonder with an even more advanced design they've dubbed the TF-X.

To start with, the four-seater would be capable of vertical take-offs and landings. And since it would largely be controlled by a central computer network, the TF-X would, claims a Terrafugia promotional video, require a pilot/driver to have as little as five hours of training, a slight fraction of what it now takes to get the most basic private pilot's license.

Oh, and if that isn't appealing enough, the team says their newest flying car design would use an environmentally friendly plug-in hybrid powertrain.

The Massachusetts-based Terrafugia has been drawing plenty of attention to itself thanks to the Transition, a $280,000 flying car that has been slowly working its way through the complex product development and federal regulatory process. Just 19 feet long, it was designed to fit inside a typical suburban garage once its 27-foot wings were folded up, allowing it to drive on any conventional road.

"Don't think of it as a car that flies," suggested Carl Dietrich, one of the MIT students now serving as Terrafugia's CEO. "Think of it as a plane that drives."

Perhaps, but beyond the ability to fold up those wings, the Terrafugia would operate pretty much like any aircraft, needing a long runway to get airborne. With the TF-X, the company is moving closer to the sort of craft one might envision the sci-fi cartoon family, the Jetsons, would own.

For one thing, Terrafugia claims the four-seater could get airborne from a level clearing of as little as 100 feet, rotating its twin wing-mounted propeller motors to a vertical position. Airborne, they would rotate back to a conventional, forward position, much like the bigger Osprey flown by the U.S. military.

Once in the air, the TF-X is envisioned as capable of reaching 200 mph and delivering a full 500 miles of range, plus reserves enough for a quick jaunt from Washington, D.C. to Boston, or from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

The craft could be flown manually by a licensed pilot, or essentially flown on an advanced autopilot system requiring only minimal training. The computer network it would plug into, Terrafugia claims, would automatically sidestep crowded air lanes, as well as bad weather, and could land the craft even if the pilot were to become incapacitated. Should a more serious problem occur, the TF-X is outfitted with its own parachute.

So, TF-X "should be statistically safer than driving a modern automobile," the company asserts.

The craft could prove particularly appealing to green-minded flying enthusiasts thanks to its unusual plug-in hybrid powertrain. In total, it will be able to produce 1,500 horsepower, 600 from each of the electric motors driving the propellers, and 300 from the gasoline engine that will serve as a generator when the TF-X's battery pack runs down. (end of article)

For the latest automotive news, stay tuned to the home of your Virginia Beach Jaguar dealer, Checkered

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fun Things to Keep Your Kids Entertained This Summer

Checkered Flag fans are some of the luckiest in VA!  There are tons of summer fun options right at your fingertips.  In doing some personal research for things to do with my little school age "creatures" I found a cool resource for fun things to do.

Cool Places for Grade Schoolers

Williamsburg - Jamestown Settlement is the story of America's first permanent English colony. See the replicas of the three ships that sailed from England to Virginia in 1607. Other highlights include the colonists' fort and a Powhatan village.

Chantilly - Sure, you can pick fresh produce and fruit all on your own at Ticonderoga Farms, but the real fun is in the bamboo maze, hayrides, hillside slides, log cabins and hay forts, Noah's Ark, the wishing well, animal petting area, and swinging bridge. It's a day of fun and then some!

Massanutten - Kids can take to the air at Massanutten Resort with pint-sized zip line and canopy tours. Since they'll want to do it over and over again, tickets are very reasonably priced - 3 trips for $12 or 6 for $18. Kids 5 to 12. Don't worry Mom, they have adult tours, too!

Hampton - At the Virginia Air & Space Center, children can experience flight controls and wing walking, ride in a World War II bomber and become an air traffic controller. This is such a cool place, plan to spend the entire day!

Mount Vernon - Take the grand tour of Mount Vernon, George Washington's Estate and Gardens by way of the Kids' Adventure Map, a sleuth's tool to solve nine puzzles. Younger grade schoolers (up to age 8) will enjoy Hands-on History! It's a room dedicated to creative play with 18th century clothing and more.

Natural Bridge - Beneath The Natural Bridge is the Monacan Indian Village depicting Native American woodland culture with real Native Americans explaining their way of life and demonstrating how they lived 300 years ago.

Danville - Encourage your child to explore at the Danville Science Center. See the Butterfly Station, and look for cocoons, mix nectar and map a Monarch's migration. The awesome Outdoor Sound exhibit is another popular attraction!

Roanoke - Mill Mountain Zoo is home to 74 species of mammals, birds and reptiles, including Snow Leopards, Red Pandas, Japanese Macaque, and Andean Condor. Ride the ZooChoo train, too!

Charlottesville - The Virginia Discovery Museum offers plenty of hands-on experience for children ages 1-13. One of the most popular permanent exhibits is See the Bees alive in their hive! A new exhibit is Camping in the Blue Ridge, a hands-on exhibit that explains what camping is all about.

Roanoke - The Science Museum of Western Virginia features a 45-station Science Arcade, all hands-on fun! Children also love the Illusions Gallery, where things aren't all as they appear. The Hopkins Planetarium and MegaDome Theater are part of the total package of this kid-friendly fun place, too.

Ridgeway - Feel the love at Infinity Acres Alpaca Farm & Petting Ranch! Discover the joy and come talk to some of the most adorable animals on earth: goats, alpacas, llamas, horses, ducks, chickens, potbelly pig, miniature donkey, blacksheep, rabbits and more.

Newport News - The Virginia Living Museum is the place to go if you're wild about wildlife. See the combination native wildlife park, science museum, aquarium, botanical preserve and planetarium!

Newport News - The Mariners' Museum features more than 500 years of seafaring adventure! Kids love the cool figureheads and miniature ship models, and they can watch the conservation of real artifacts from the Civil War's ironclad USS Monitor, brought to the surface from its watery grave in the Atlantic Ocean.

Luray - The Luray Zoo displays the largest collection of cold-blooded reptiles in Virginia as well as other wild and wooly creatures. See the lifesize dinosaur replicas, too!

Staunton - The Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton features life on five different farms -- German, Scots-Irish, English, American, and the newest - West African. Kids love watching the farm animals and the farmers doing their chores, and this visit is a great integration with their school curriculum.

Williamsburg - Rent a costume and blend into 18th century Colonial Williamsburg, then check out Revolutionary City®, a place for children to interact with various characters in an informal, intimate setting.

Roanoke - Splash Valley Water Park has 20,000 square feet of amazing fun for children of all ages. Take the plunge on one of two 32-foot water slides, float along a river current, and splash around in a spray area. Bring your little brother and your big sister - lots for the whole family!

Buchanan Glow-A-Rama is an 18 Hole INDOOR BLACKLIGHT MINI-GOLF - with Blacklight Game Room and Blacklight Dance 'N Party Room. Worth the trip, this full amusement center is like no other.

Virginia Beach - Capt. Jack's Pirate Ship Adventures - Ahoy there, me hearties! Jump aboard the Lost Pearl and set sail for adventures on the high seas in search of treasure! Capt. Jack's Pirate Ship Adventures offers an oceanfront adventure cruise aboard a 65 foot US Coast Guard inspected ship. There is face painting, a pirate lesson, games, singing, dancing and lots of other fun. We often see dolphins and other wildlife along the way. At the end of our adventure, we track down Blackbeard and defeat him in a water cannon battle and reclaim our treasure. The children get to share in the treasure as a reward for their participation.

Source: []

The Hampton Roads area and just beyond are a wealth of adventures for the family.  Although the items listed are for grade schoolers, many of the items are fun for the older ones in your hoard as well.

Good luck in keeping the natives from being restless this summer.  Stay logged in to for all the most up to date news and events around Hampton Roads and beyond.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Bridge openings to tie up traffic in Chesapeake Wed and Thur

Chesapeake-traveling Checkered Flag fans, take note.  The Great Bridge Bridge will be opening frequently both Wednesday and Thursday mornings and afternoons. 

Tests scheduled at Chesapeake's Great Bridge Bridge
By Jeff Sheler for The Virginian-Pilot


The city of Chesapeake announced today that it will conduct test lifts of the Great Bridge Bridge on Wednesday and Thursday.

The bridge is scheduled to open Wednesday at 2, 3 and 4 p.m. and between 10 p.m. and midnight with or without marine traffic, the city said.

It will open at 10 a.m., 11 and noon Thursday.

For the latest in Hampton Roads traffic, stay tuned to Checkered

Source: []

Friday, June 13, 2014

Washed Ashore Makes Trash into Treasure

Checkered Flag and their family of new and used car dealers in Hampton Roads is excited to live and work in such an amazing community.  The work that our neighbors do to enhance and beautify their communities is truly inspiring.

The Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Museum is playing a role in showcasing and speaking about the debris that washes up on our coast.

Washed Ashore Exhibit

Washed Ashore which runs June 7 - September 28, uses giant sea life sculptures made entirely of marine debris collected from beaches to graphically illustrate the tragedy of pollution in our oceans. Under the artistic direction of Angela Haseltine Pozzi, thousands of volunteers from Oregon and other West Coast beaches have collected tons of marine debris to create the enormous sea life creatures to create several traveling exhibits of Washed Ashore.

Virginia Aquarium Executive Director Lynn Clements said, "The Aquarium's non-profit foundation is pleased to showcase this exhibit here, especially in the summer where locals and visitors can see these amazing artistic creations. With our Stranding Response Team, we are very much aware of the impact of marine debris in our local waterways and we are eager to show others that this is an international issue we all need to address to save our oceans."

"Lidia," a 10 ft. tall seal sculpture will greet visitors near the Aquarium's outdoor seal exhibit and entice visitors to see the remaining 13 sculptures, mostly located in the changing exhibit gallery. Along with unique art pieces, the exhibition includes educational signage and programs that encourage reducing, refusing, reusing and recycling. The exhibit is free with Aquarium admission thanks to the sponsorship of the Lee A. and Helen Gifford Foundation, The Oceanfront Inn, and TFC Recycling.

The Washed Ashore Project: Ocean Awareness Through Art is a non-profit organization based in Oregon. Their mission is to educate and create awareness about marine debris and plastic pollution through art. They do this by collecting plastic waste from beaches and repurposing 98% of it into aesthetically powerful works of art that educate people about the problem and engage them about solutions.

The Virginia Aquarium Foundation is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring conservation of the marine environment through education, research and sustainable practices. The Foundation was formed in 1981, three years before construction on the Aquarium even began. Over the years, the Foundation?s role in support of the Aquarium has not only included garnering financial support to pay for the Aquarium's exhibits, but it has expanded to include funding of education programs, and research and conservation efforts such as the Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response and Sensible Seafood programs.

Source: [VA Aquarium and Marine Science Museum]

With so many fun activities it is hard to manage your time while living or visiting Hampton Roads.  Stay logged in to for all the latest news and events around Tidewater.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Land Rover Range Rover Evoque for $429 per month

At Checkered Flag Land Rover, luxury and performance are surprisingly affordable.  This month, you can drive the popular Range Rover Evoque for $429 per month. 

Lease: 2014 Range Rover Evoque Pure 5-Door $429/month for 36-months*

    $429 per month for 36 months
    $2,995 cash due at signing

For a limited time, enjoy a 2014 Range Rover Evoque 5 Door lease offer of $429 per month.*

Offer only valid 4-01-2014 through 6-30-2014

36-month lease, $2,995 plus taxes, title, license and fees due at signing and $0 security deposit.

Call our Virginia Beach Land Rover dealership at (757)687-3447 to set up a test drive today. 

        * Rates shown for customers with exceptional credit approved by a participating lender. All amounts shown are estimates, retailer sets actual amounts. Lessee responsible for insurance, maintenance, excess wear and excess mileage over 30,000 miles at $0.30 /mile. Based on MSRP of $42,025 (including destination and delivery) with a predicted residual value of $23,954 as of 4/1/14. Supplies are limited. Lessee has the option to purchase vehicle at lease end at price negotiated with retailer at signing. For special lease terms take new vehicle delivery from retailer stock by 6/30/14. Termination fee may apply. See your Land Rover Retailer or call 1-800-FIND-4WD for qualifications and complete details. 2014 Jaguar Land Rover North America, LLC. A charge of 30 cents per mile for mileage over 30000 miles per year will apply. A charge of 30 cents per mile for mileage over 30000 miles per year will apply. See dealer for additional information.

Friday, May 23, 2014

10 reasons you should pull over immediately

Every Saturday my husband wakes up bright and early to listen to his "shows" on NPR (National Public Radio for you non-hipsters).   If nothing's on the boob tube, I even listen along myself. 

Although I'm not a huge fan of chat radio, I have to admit, the all-about-auto show "Car Talk" is not only hilarious, it's also very informative.  The Magliozzi brothers give great advice to all sorts of drivers and have vast knowledge of all types of vehicles.  They've seen and heard it all when it comes to cars. 

Hampton Roads drivers can catch "Car Talk" on 89.5 WHRV FM (your local NPR station sponsored by Checkered Flag Audi) at 10:00am Saturday mornings. 

Here's a little classic Magliozzi brother advice to hold you over until this week's show.  Pay attention, Checkered Flag fans, this is good stuff!

Article source: []
Top 10 Signs You Should Pull Over Immediately
By Tom and Ray Magliozzi, Car Talk

Cars are so reliable these days; it's easy to forget that you can still have an emergency.

Here's our Top 10 list of the things that should cause you to pull your car over immediately.

(We know, this was supposed to be only 10 reasons to pull over immediately, but we thought of a few more. So sue us!)
12. Losing Something 'Essential'

We're sure this has happened to you. You're driving along and you reach into your glove box to grab your Sleepy LaBeef CD. As you're fumbling to open the CD case with one hand, the CD pops out and falls on the floor, under your legs. What do you do? Too many people bend down while they're driving and try to find Sleepy's greatest hits. Don't do it. Remember that at 65 mph every second your head spends down between your knees your car moves almost 100 feet without a driver! Besides, if your head is down there when you crash it could end up firmly implanted somewhere embarrassing. One might even argue that it already is in that dark place if you engage in this risky behavior.

So if you drop something - a CD, your keys, your phone, a french fry - either let it sit there until you get to your destination or pull over before you fish it out.

11. Cabin Chaos

Sometimes things get exciting inside a car. The kids, who normally slap and pinch each other suddenly pull out kitchen knives. Or your Labrador sees a cute little poodle crossing the street and jumps into your lap to get a closer look. Or your mother-in-law announces that she's just filled her Depends. Don't try to solve problems like these and drive at the same time. You can't. It's tempting to try to reach the kids in the backseat and separate them or toss the dog into the backseat or help your mother-in-law ... nevermind. It's much wiser to pull over and get things back under control. Then get back on the road.

10. Medical Emergency

If you think that you may be experiencing a medical problem, pull over right away. We've heard too many stories about people who have all the signs of a stroke or heart attack, yet they decide to try to "make it home" before calling for help. This is a recipe for killing yourself and other people on the road. If you have any reason to believe you're getting seriously ill, pull over and call for help. That's what 911 is for.

Even less deadly medical problems can make us lousy drivers. So consider pulling over and resting if you have something in your eye, a migraine headache or intense heartburn. Pull over if you can't sit still because you need to use the bathroom (or the bushes next to the road) or if you drop cigar ash between your legs. Anything that causes you to worry more about some part of your body than what's happening on the road in front of you is a good reason to pull over and stop driving until the problem is solved.

9. Lack of Visibility

We tend to forget that when we're driving we're piloting a 3,000-pound projectile. And when you're going 65 mph, you're covering 96 feet in one second. It'll take you 316 feet to come to a complete stop under ideal conditions. For that reason, it's good to be able to see!

Your visibility can suddenly become impaired for all kinds of reasons: a sudden downpour, thick fog, broken windshield wipers, a big splash of mud and an empty windshield washer reservoir, a flying projectile that cracks your windshield or a hood latch that breaks and sends the hood flying up while you're driving. And this doesn't even count the most common source of poor visibility - failure to clean off the windshield when it's snowy or icy. Bottom line: If you can't see well for any reason, pull over right away and either fix the problem or wait until the weather changes before getting back on the road.

8. Any Loud or Sudden Noise

Unless you're driving Tommy's MG, your car is not supposed to make any loud, sudden or unidentifiable noises. A loud or sudden noise can be benign. It could be a plastic milk jug that you ran over. On the other hand, it could also mean that your engine just launched a spark plug into low-Earth orbit.

Unless it's a milk jug, it indicates that something has just changed. It's changed from one piece to several pieces or changed from attached to unattached. Either way, it's best to pull over and try to figure it out.

7. Temperature Light or Oil Light

There are very few things that can wreck a car in less than two minutes. There's a direct hit by a meteor or a Caterpillar D9. Fortunately, both are very uncommon. But there are two common things that can ruin cars - severe overheating and loss of oil pressure. Your dashboard has idiot lights for both of these conditions. They're talking to you, pal.

If either of those lights comes on, don't try to make it home before investigating. Driving with no oil pressure can wreck a car's internal parts in minutes. Or less. Severe overheating can blow your head gasket or warp or crack your cylinder head or block just as quickly.

A customer of ours had the oil light come on and drove home before calling us. We asked her, "Why did you try to get home?" She said she felt safer at home. That's understandable, we said, but that feeling of safety just cost you $7,000! If you see the oil light or hot light, unless it's unsafe to do so, pull over and call for help.

6. Sudden Change in Handling

If something changes in your car's handling and you can feel it in your steering wheel, chances are it is serious. It could be a sudden, extreme change like a tire blowing out or a wheel about to fall off. Or you might notice that the steering wheel is suddenly wobbling or tugging in one direction. These are all potentially serious problems that require pulling over.

Not every change in handling is dire. A small wobble could be something relatively minor like a lost wheel weight or a bad tire. It could be as simple as a change in road surface. Here's the catch: If you try to make an on-the-fly diagnosis, you risk driving over a guard rail and onto a nearby putting green. Or much worse. There are a lot of crucial pieces in the front end of the car. Because they're attached to the front wheels you can often feel a change in the steering wheel. Pay attention to it.

5. Steam/Water Vapor

Steam is usually an indication that coolant, which is under pressure, is escaping from your car's cooling system. If it's leaking slowly and hitting an exhaust pipe or something else that's hot, it may not be an emergency. But if it's leaking quickly, you can overheat the engine and do serious damage to your engine and your wallet. If your engine is overheating, you can sometimes save yourself thousands of dollars by pulling over before permanent damage is done.

Don't twist off the radiator cap right away to have a look-see. If your car is overheating, or even if it's not, the coolant is under very high pressure and can burn your face until it looks as bad as my brother's. So if you're not mechanically inclined, pull over, turn off your engine and find a good, local garage that can lend a hand.

4. Smell

We each know what our car smells like: Mostly, it smells like us, which is why it offends other people. Or it may smell like some combination of new-car smell, wet dog, old juice boxes and maybe grandma. If you notice a new smell - especially if you know it didn't come from you - it's best to pull over and investigate it. It could be relatively benign such as when you drive over a plastic grocery bag and it sticks to your hot catalytic converter or a meatball sub that slid under the passenger seat. But it could be something more serious like wire insulation burning or a gas leak. So if you notice a smell that's unusual and you can't identify it, it's best to pull over and make sure it's nothing getting ready to cause a disaster.

Your two primary concerns are gasoline, which you should never smell in the passenger compartment once you're moving, and something that's smoldering and could catch fire. Smoldering electrical wires are the most common source of fire. Once you pull over, you should investigate the smell carefully. And if you're at all concerned, call for help.

3. Smoke

There are lots of reasons why smoke might be issuing forth from your vehicle. But almost all of them are bad. Some are not emergencies such as when engine oil is dripping onto a hot exhaust pipe since a small amount of oil can produce a lot of smoke. But other times where there's smoke, there's fire. Or there soon will be. If you see smoke, it's best to pull over and check it out.

2. Flames

If you see flames spouting from anywhere in your car, pull over immediately. Not only is your car beginning to turn into automotive flambé before your eyes, but there's a risk to your life, as well. Even if the flames aren't burning you, per se, the fumes may be doing you in. So unless you're a trained firefighter, the best thing to do is look out for your own safety. Pull over, lace up your Pro Keds, get a safe distance away from your car and call 911. Then, and only then, do we advise pulling out your long, pronged fork and roasting marshmallows.

1. Blue Lights

Remember what happens if you don't pull over when you see blue lights.

One final note: What does it mean to "pull over immediately"? It means pull over as quickly as it's safe to do so. Don't swerve across five lanes of traffic. Check around you. Check the side of the road to see if there's a place to pull off. And then pull over.

End of article.

Of course, all of our drivers know that if they start having mechanical issues with their vehicle they should call Checkered Flag service immediately at (757)490-1111 and we'll have you back on the road in a jif!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Audi A4 Special Lease with Checkered Flag Audi

Checkered Flag Audi is your warm weather location for the hottest cars, at an amazing price.  With amazing lease specials on the new 2014 Audi A4 Quattro AWD, drive away with a payment of only $299 a month*.  For such a low payment you will have some amazing features and a gorgeous car.

Call Virginia Beach's Audi dealer, Checkered Flag Audi, today at (757) 687-3447 to schedule your test drive.  The knowledgeable representatives will show you an amazing car and ensure an amazing experience.

*Based on 36 month lease with 7500 miles per year.  $3250 down plus tax, title, license, $695 acquisition fee and $599 dealer processing fee.  $6335.49 total due at signing.  Based on MSRP of $36,010.  With approved credit through Audi Financial Services.  Expires 7/1/2014.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Pollen Vortex to Blame

So many Checkered Flag fans in the Hampton Roads area are suffering terribly with seasonal allergies this year. I have never suffered as bad as I have this year, and there might be an explanation for all of it.

Now a 'Pollen Vortex'? Wild Weather May Mean Allergy Nightmare
By Hayley Goldbach

If the constant cold weren't enough, a brutal winter has many speculating that the polar vortex will be replaced by a "pollen vortex," leaving allergy sufferers sniffling and miserable.

Alesia Kotek is ready for the worst. She and her 13-year-old daughter Caitlin share allergies to grass and trees - and Caitlin started getting itchy, watery eyes this spring while snow was still on the ground outside their Cleveland, Ohio, home. "I'm very nervous about this year with our allergies," Alesia Kotek said.

The long, cold, winter felt by much of the U.S. may indeed have an effect on this year's spring allergy season. But is this shaping up to be the worst allergy season on record?

That depends on what you mean by worst. Experts say that for much of the country, winter's extended cold could lead to a shorter, but more intense allergy season.

And it was certainly a memorably freezing season for much of the U.S., with many states seeing record cold temperatures and heavy snow. And the bitter cold continued to linger. The National Weather Service reports that this was the 43rd coldest March on record.

Because warm, dry days are ideal for pollen release, allergy season is getting a late start.

"In the past we've seen maple pollen as early as late February," says Dr. David Shulan, a fellow with the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, "but with this cold weather nothing was pollinating until mid to late April."

Susan Kosisky, a microbiologist and chief of the United States Army Centralized Allergen Extract Laboratory, reports that daily average pollen counts from her laboratory in Silver Spring, Md., have been 50 percent or below what is normal for this time of year, which she attributes to cold temperatures.

But before you throw away the tissues, experts say the slow start could mean a more intense wallop. "It will be a shorter period by a number of weeks but you will see it all hitting very intensely," says Dr. Shulan.

Dr. Rachel Szekely, an allergist at Cleveland Clinic, explains that a wet winter means healthy tree roots. And although we can't predict exactly how plants will behave, experts say that the trees are simply waiting for warmer, drier days to release their pollen. While tree species usually stagger their pollen release throughout the season, the cold weather means that trees that normally release earlier will probably be releasing at the same time as trees that dispense pollen later in the season.

"It's like winding up a spring and letting it go all at once," said Shulan.

We can't say for sure what will happen because pollen release is very much dependent on the weather. Pollen grains are small and very light, so they use wind to spread. "If it stays this cold and wet, we won't see much pollen," says Kosisky, "but if we can put together a string of warmer, sunny, dry days - we will probably see above-average pollen."

A few warm days have given a glimpse into what this more intense allergy season could look like. A couple sunny, breezy days in New York City led to intense tree pollen release, according to Shulan. And when temperatures in Washington, D.C., reached 80 degrees on Sunday, "our pollen counts soared," said Kosisky.

Soaring pollen counts are bad news for patients like the Kotek family, who enjoy being outside. Caitlin likes to swim, play basketball with her brother and ride her bike. Before getting allergy shots, Caitlin's symptoms were so bad that she had allergy-induced asthma and was having serious breathing trouble.

So how can allergy sufferers prepare for potentially brutal pollen release? Besides keeping up with regular allergy medications, doctors recommend trying to avoid exposure. Keep your windows closed to keep out the pollen grains. If it's hot, consider using air conditioning, which cuts down on pollen and mold by about 90 percent, said Shulan.

So while many are eagerly greeting an end to a seemingly endless winter, it will be a trade-off for patients with seasonal allergies. A spell of idyllic warm, dry weather might lead to "a potpourri of trees releasing above average amounts of pollen," said Kosisky. So allergy sufferers should be prepared, she warns, because "there will be plenty of pollen for everyone."

Kotek says that she and her family don't let allergies stop them from their outdoorsy lifestyle - but she knows enough to be prepared. "We're never optimistic with our allergies," she said.

Source: [NBC News]

Now that is some pretty scary stuff.  I am afraid of allergy season like I used to be afraid of the boogeyman.  In my house they look pretty similar, red faced, puffy eyed and breathing out of their mouths like Darth Vader.

For more information about the news and events around Hampton Roads and beyond, stay logged in to Checkeredflag.comCheckered Flag, your resource for new and used cars in Tidewater, is there helping you with all the hottest trends and news.

Friday, May 2, 2014

2014 Range Rover Evoque Lease Special: $429/month

At Checkered Flag Land Rover, luxury and performance are surprisingly affordable.  This month, you can drive the popular Range Rover Evoque for $429 per month. 

Lease: 2014 Range Rover Evoque Pure 5-Door $429/month for 36-months*

    $429 per month for 36 months
    $2,995 cash due at signing

For a limited time, enjoy a 2014 Range Rover Evoque 5 Door lease offer of $429 per month.*

Offer only valid 4-01-2014 through 6-30-2014

36-month lease, $2,995 plus taxes, title, license and fees due at signing and $0 security deposit.

Call our Virginia Beach Land Rover dealership at (757)687-3447 to set up a test drive today. 

        * Rates shown for customers with exceptional credit approved by a participating lender. All amounts shown are estimates, retailer sets actual amounts. Lessee responsible for insurance, maintenance, excess wear and excess mileage over 30,000 miles at $0.30 /mile. Based on MSRP of $42,025 (including destination and delivery) with a predicted residual value of $23,954 as of 4/1/14. Supplies are limited. Lessee has the option to purchase vehicle at lease end at price negotiated with retailer at signing. For special lease terms take new vehicle delivery from retailer stock by 6/30/14. Termination fee may apply. See your Land Rover Retailer or call 1-800-FIND-4WD for qualifications and complete details. 2014 Jaguar Land Rover North America, LLC. A charge of 30 cents per mile for mileage over 30000 miles per year will apply. A charge of 30 cents per mile for mileage over 30000 miles per year will apply. See dealer for additional information.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Special Savings on Porsche 911

The time is now to come into Virginia Beach's Porsche dealer, Checkered Flag Porsche.  For incredible savings on a new Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe, drive in today.  With a payment of only $949 per month* on an amazing new Porsche, hurry in now.

Schedule your visit with Checkered Flag Porsche today by calling (757) 687-3447. 

*Actual lease price determined by your authorized Porsche Dealer; your payments may vary. Closed-end lease offered to qualified lessees with approved credit by Porsche Financial Services through participating U.S. dealers. Must take delivery by 6/30/2014. Estimated payments based upon MSRP of $97,480 (includes destination charge) for a Model Year 2014 911 Carrera Coupe with the following options: Metallic Paint, Premium Package (Power 14-way Sport Seats), BOSETM Audio Package, 20-inch Carrera S Wheels, Wheels Painted Platinum Satin, ParkAssist (Front and Rear), Power Folding Side Mirrors, Power Steering Plus and Multifunction Steering Wheel. Price excludes title, taxes, registration, license fees, insurance, and maintenance. Lease payments of $949.42 for 27 months total $25,634.34 based on capitalized cost of $87,315 (requires dealer contribution which could affect price). Total due at signing $6,999.42 (first month?s payment, acquisition fee of $895, and capitalized cost reduction of $5,155). No security deposit required. At lease end, lessee pays excess wear, $.30/mile over 22,500 miles and $350 termination fee. Purchase option at lease end $70,185.60 plus taxes. Specific vehicles and options are subject to availability and your price may vary. For additional information see your participating authorized Porsche Dealer or visit